
Watch the latest videos from across the Praxity Alliance


People, Not Firms

Praxity people use seamless communication to share their different perspectives and address the challenges facing their firms and their clients.


Behind the Numbers

How Praxity firms share expertise around the globe by getting to know the people behind the numbers.


Choice Is Good

Plante Moran's Gordon Krater explains the benefit of being able to pick the firm that’s right for each client.


Individuality Valued

A global accountancy business that’s integrated yet independent; how does that work? Gordon Krater clarifies.


Leadership and Sharing

David Sayers reflects on the role for integrity in accounting, and how Praxity firms continuously and freely share materials, thoughts and ideas across borders.


Profit and Pricing

Hear how Praxity Participant firms are helping clients confidently and compliantly navigate global transfer pricing.


Trust Matters

Hear what Greg Travers has to say about relationships within the Alliance and how these help to alleviate client pressures.


Well Connected

Knowing that firms are culturally and commercially aligned boosts client confidence says Greg Travers from William Buck.


People, Not Firms

Praxity people use seamless communication to share their different perspectives and address the challenges facing their firms and their clients.


Behind the Numbers

How Praxity firms share expertise around the globe by getting to know the people behind the numbers.


Choice Is Good

Plante Moran's Gordon Krater explains the benefit of being able to pick the firm that’s right for each client.


Individuality Valued

A global accountancy business that’s integrated yet independent; how does that work? Gordon Krater clarifies.


Leadership and Sharing

David Sayers reflects on the role for integrity in accounting, and how Praxity firms continuously and freely share materials, thoughts and ideas across borders.


Profit and Pricing

Hear how Praxity Participant firms are helping clients confidently and compliantly navigate global transfer pricing.


Trust Matters

Hear what Greg Travers has to say about relationships within the Alliance and how these help to alleviate client pressures.


Well Connected

Knowing that firms are culturally and commercially aligned boosts client confidence says Greg Travers from William Buck.
